Books of Note
This space is dedicated to highlighting the top books in sensory studies published each year. Many of these books you will find reviewed in the pages of The Senses and Society.
Books of Note 2025
Picturing Aura: A Visual Biography
By Jeremy Stolow
The MIT Press
Cultural Heritage and Mobility from a Multisensory Perspective
Edited by Magdalena Banaszkiewicz and Karolina Nikielska-Sekula
Taylor & Francis
*Open Access
Sensing Islam: Engaging and Contesting the Senses in Muslim Religiosity
Edited by Simon Stjernholm
Chastity: Reconciliation of the Senses
By Erik Varden
Sensitive Modalities of Knowing in Care
Edited by Fabienne Malbois and Alexandre Lambelet
Revue d’Anthropologie des Connaissances special issue
*Open Access
On the Colors of Vowels: Thinking Through Synesthesia
By Liesl Yamaguchi
Fordham University Press
New Sensory Approaches to the Past: Applied Methods in Sensory Heritage and Archaeology
edited by Pamela Jordan, Sara Mura, and Sue Hamilton
UCL Press
Books of Note 2024
Sensorium: Contextualizing the Senses and Cognition in History and Across Cultures
By David Howes
Cambridge University Press
Cultural Heritage and Mobility from a Multisensory Perspective
Edited by Magdalena Banaszkiewicz, Karolina Nikielska-Sekuła
*Partial Open Access
Skateboarding and the Senses: Skills, Surfaces, and Spaces
By Sander Hölsgens and Brian Glenney
*Open Access
The Senses in Religious Communities, 1600-1800: Early Modern ‘Convents of Pleasure’
By Nicky Hallett
Global Ayahuasca: Wondrous Visions and Modern Worlds
By Alex K. Gearin
Stanford University Press
Translation and Objects: Rewriting Migrancy and Displacement through the Materiality of Art
By Mª Carmen África Vidal Claramonte
*Partial Open Access
Translation and Contemporary Art: Transdisciplinary Encounters
Mª Carmen África Vidal Claramonte
Sensory Warfare in the Global Cold War: Partition, Propaganda, Covert Operations
Edited by Bodo Mrozek
Pennsylvania State University Press
30% off using Discount Code NR24
Sensory Probes: Essays and exercises for teachers to cultivate artistic attitudes in the classroom
By The SenseSquared collective (edited by Anna Harris)
Free PDF download
Merleau-Ponty and Contemporary Philosophy of Perception
By Peter Antich
The Vast Extent: On Seeing and Not Seeing Further
By Lavinia Greenlaw
Intimate Subjects: Touch and Tangibility in Britain’s Cerebral Age
By Simeon Koole
University of Chicago Press
The Routledge Companion to the Sound of Space
Edited by Emma-Kate Matthews, Jane Burry and Mark Burry
*Partial Open Access
Sensory Penalities: Exploring the Senses in Spaces of Punishment and Social Control
Edited by Kate Herrity, Bethany E. Schmidt, and Jason Warr
Acoustemology: Four Lectures
By Steven Feld
*Open Access
Engaging Ambience: Visual and Multisensory Methodologies and Rhetorical Theory
By Brian McNely
Utah State University Press
Connecting Visual Literacy to Theory: Revisiting the Disruptions of Visual Thinkers in Education and Beyond
Edited by Ricardo Lopez-Leon and Dana Statton Thompson
Islamic Sensory History, vol. 2: 600-1500
Edited by Christian Lange and Adam Bursi
*Open Access
Tangible Territory Journal Issue #7
Edited by Tereza Stehlikova
Touch in Digitalized Worlds: special issue of Anthropology of Consciousness
Edited by Tuva Beyer Boch and Saiba Varma
The Light Eaters: How the Unseen World of Plant Intelligence Offers a New Understanding of Life on Earth
By Zoë Schlanger
Harper Collins
Acoustics of Empire: Sound, Media, and Power in the Long Nineteenth Century
Edited by Peter McMurray and Priyasha Mukhopadhyay
Oxford University Press
How to Work with Space: Spatial Knowledge in Organizations and Research Practice
By Karen Messer
Palgrave Macmillan
Air Conditioning
By Hsuan L. Hsu
*Discount at the publisher’s website
*excerpt and interview with the New Books Network
Approaches sensible de l’espace. Regards croisés, anthropologie et égyptologie
Edited by Valentine Marlot, Quentin Cécillon and Misha Schroetter
Open Edition Journals
*Open Access
The Aesthetics of Tinnitus: The Senses and Society 19(1) special issue
Edited by Marie Thompson
At the Crossroads of the Senses: The Synaesthetic Metaphor Across the Arts in European Modernism
By Polina Dimova
Penn State University Press
Digital Touch
By Carey Jewitt and Sara Price
Books of Note 2023
Sensorial Investigations: A History of the Senses in Anthropology, Psychology, and Law
by David Howes
Penn State University Press
Worlds of Sense: Exploring the senses in history and across cultures
Constance Classen
Elixir: A Parisian Perfume House and the Quest for the Secret of Life
by Theresa Levitt.
Harvard University Press
Visual Pedagogies: Concepts, Cases and Practices
Edited by Carolina Cambre, Edna Barromi-Perlman, and David Herman Jr.
Towards a Sociology of Selfies: The Filtered Face
By Carolina Cambre and Christine Lavrence
Ways of Being: Animals, Plants, Machines: The Search for a Planetary Intelligence
By James Bridle
Sense-It! : Insights into Multisensory Design
By Lois Frankel
Open Library
*Open Access
What’s That Smell: A Philosophy of the Olfactory
By Simon Hajdini
MIT Press
Apprendre les sens, apprendre par les sens. Anthropologie des perceptions sensorielles
By Vincent Battesti and Joël Candau
Sensibles ethnographies. Décalages sensoriels et attentionnels dans la recherce anthropologique
By Sisa Calapi, Helma Korzybska, Marie Mazzella di Bosco, and Pierre Peraldi-Mittelette
Just Beyond Listening: Essays of Sonic Encounter
By Michael C. Heller
University of California Press
The Routledge International Handbook of Sensory Ethnography
Edited by Phillip Vannini
Colour Revolution: Victorian Art, Fashion & Design
By Charlotte Ribeyrol, Matthew Winterbottom, and Madeline Hewitson
Ashmolean Museum
The Sensorium of the Drone and Communities
By Kathrin Maurer
The MIT Press
*Open Access
Tangible Territory Journal Issue 6
Edited by Tereza Stehlikova
The Senses in Interior Design: Sensorial Expressions and Experiences
edited by John Potvin, Marie-Ève Marchand, and Benoit Beaulieu
Manchester University Press
Un Mundo de Sensaciones: siglos VIII al XVII (A world of sensations: 8th to 17th centuries)
Edited by Gerardo Rodriguez with a Foreword by David Howes
National University of Mar del Plata
*Open Access
Listening After Nature: Field Recording, Ecology, Critical Practice
By Mark Peter Wright
The Eyes of the Skin: Architecture and the Senses, 4th Edition
By Juhani Palasmaa
Sentimental Empiricism: Politics, Philosophy, and Criticism in Postwar France
By Davide Panagia
Fordham University Press
Networks of Touch: A Tactile History of Chinese Art, 1790-1840
By Michael J. Hatch
Penn State University Press
The Skills and Ethics of Professional Touch: From Theory to Practice
By Taina Kinnunen, Jaana Parviainen, and Anna Haho
Palgrave MacMillan
Race and Multimodality: Multimodality and Society Special Issue
Edited by Sachi Sekimoto and Christopher Brown
Sage Journals
*Free and/or Open Access
Senses with/out Subjects; Special Issue of American Literature
Edited by Erica Fretwell and Hsuan L. Hsu
American Literature, Duke University Press
Ways of Eating: Exploring Food Through History and Culture
By Benjamin A. Wurgraft and Merry I. White
University of California Press
Smell and the Past: Noses, Archives, Narratives
By William Tullett
Bloomsbury Academic
*Open Access
L’expérience sensible
Edited by Camille Chamois, Quentin Deluermoz et Hervé Mazurel
L’Homme: Revue française d’anthropologie
Sensory Anthropology: Culture and Experience in Asia
By Kelvin E.Y. Low
Cambridge University Press
Sensing Disaster: Local Knowledge and Vulnerability in Oceania
By Matthew Lauer
University of California Press
Sounding the Indian Ocean: Musical Circulations in the Afro-Asiatic Seascape
By Jim Sykes and Julia Suzanne Byl
University of California Press
The Taste of Water: Sensory Perception and the Making of an Industrialized Beverage
By Christy Spackman
University of California Press
Perfume on the Page in Nineteenth-Century France
By Cheryl Krueger
University of Toronto Press
Ecology, History and the Senses: Journal of Architecture Special Issue
Edited by Deljana Iossifova and Doreen Bernath
Journal of Architecture
*Partial Open Access Content Available
Music and the Senses: Nineteenth-Century Contexts Special Issue
Edited by Dane Stalcup
Nineteenth-Century Contexts, T&F Online
*Partial Open Access Content Available
Aromas of Asia: Exchanges, Histories, Threats
Edited by Hannah Gould and Gwyn McClelland
Penn State University Press
Nosetalgia: kunstlicht 44 (2/3)
Edited by Lisa Marie Sneijder
By Carolyn Birdsall
Wild Track: Sound, Text and the Idea of Birdsong
By Seán Street
Uncurating Sound: Knowledge with Voice and Hands
Salomé Voegelin
Food in Memory and Imagination: Space Place, and Taste
Edited by Beth Forrest and Greg de St Maurice
The Cultural Politics of Food, Taste, and Identity: A Global Perspective
Edited by Steffan Igor Ayora-Diaz
Molyneux’s Question and the History of Philosophy
Edited by Gabriele Ferretti and Brian Glenney
Atmosphären-Äesthetik: Die Verflochtenheit von Natur, Kunst und Kultur (Atmosphere Aesthetics: The Interconnectedness of Nature, Art, and Culture
By Zhuofei Wang
Verlag Karl Alber
Art of Sound: Creativity in Film Sound and Electroacoustic Music
By Andrew Knight-Hill and Emma Margetson
Gut Knowledges: Culinary Performance and Activism in the Post-Truth Era
By Kristin Hunt
The Metamorphosis of Greek Cuisine: An Ethnography of Deli Foods, Restaurant Smells, and Foodways of Crisis
By Nafsika Papacharalampous
The Senses and Society, Volume 18, Issue 2: Special Issue on Affective Technotouch
Edited by Amelia DeFalco and Luna Dolezal
*Open Access Articles Available
The Atmospheric City
By Mikkel Bille and Siri Schwabe
The Touch of the Present: Educational Encounters, Aesthetics, and the Politics of the Senses
By Sharon Todd
SUNY Press
Sensory Transformations: Environments, Technologies, Sensobiographies
By Helmi Järviluoma and Lesley Murray
Techniques of Hearing: History, Theory and Practices
Edited by Michael Schillmeier, Robert Stock, and Beate Ochsner
Literature and the Senses
Edited by Annette Kern-Stähler and Elizabeth Robertson
Oxford University Press
*Open Access
Food History: A Feast of the Senses in Europe, 1750 to the Present
Edited by Sylvie Vabre, Martin Bruegel, and Peter J. Atkins
Toward an Aisthetics of the Victorian Novel: Senses and Sensations
By Nadine Böhm-Schnitker
Sensing Others: Voicing Batek Ethical Lives at the Edge of a Malaysian Rainforest
By Alice Rudge
University of Nebraska Press
Invisible Architecture: The experience of place through smell
Anna Barbara and Anthony Perliss
*Open Access
Aural Diversity
Edited by John L. Drever and Andrew Hugill
Capitalism and the Senses
Edited by Regina Lee Blaszczyk and David Suisman
University of Pennsylvania Press
Scents of China: A Modern History of Smell
By Xuelei Huang
Cambridge University Press
TT Journal Issue 5
edited by Tereza Stehlikova
Kinaesthesia in the Psychology, Philosophy and Culture of Human Experience
By Roger Smith
Edited by Andreas Philippopolous-Mihalopoulos, Danilo Mandic, Caterina Nirta, and Andrea Pavoni
University of Westminster Press
Edited by Danilo Mandic, Caterina Nirta, Andrea Pavoni, and Andreas Philippopolous-Mihalopoulos
University of Westminster Press
Feltness: Research-Creation, Socially Engaged Art, and Affective Pedagogies
By Stephanie Springgay
Duke University Press
The Sensory Studies Manifesto: Tracking the Sensorial Revolution in the Arts and Human Sciences
By David Howes
University of Toronto Press
Atmospheres and Shared Emotions
Edited by Dylan Trigg
Ambiance, Tourism, and the City
Edited by Iñigo Sánchez-Fuarros, Daniel Paiva, and Daniel Malet Calvo
Virtual Book Exhibition at Uncommon Senses IV Conference (May 2023)
Books of Note 2023
If there is a book you think might be appropriate for this list, please send news of it (including a link to the relevant page on the publisher’s website) to