Sensational Investigations
Sensational Investigations is a research forum supporting advanced inquiry in sensory studies. It features occasional essays and exchanges on selected topics.
The first section is devoted to new additions (i.e. articles posted within the last four months); the second to texts (mainly journal articles, the occasional book), exhibitions and other interventions; the third to select doctoral dissertations; and, the fourth to select videos and podcasts.
Crip Sensorama: Re-Imagining XR with People with Sensorimotor Disabilities through Criptastic Hacking
Puneet Jain
the colour database of the ERC Project CHROMOTOPE
“What is this?”: Multisensorial explorations of food with and without sight
Philipp Hänggi and Lorenza Mondada
SenseSquared: Towards an artistic attitude in education and society
I smell, therefore I am. On the philosophy of the olfactory
Simon Hajdini
Prologue: A Short History of the History of the Senses as a Field of Study, from Montreal to Mar del Plata
David Howes
Perfume, Atmospheres and Agency – Seeking Identity in the Ephemeral
Jayanthan Sriram
Litigating the Carceral Soundscape
David Howes and Simcha Walfish
On Certain Groundlessness – Navigating Dizziness Together Podcast
Ruth Anderwald, Sergio Edelsztein, and Leonhard Grond
Sensiotics, or the Study of the Senses in Material Culture and History in Africa and Beyond
Henry John Drewal
Human Senses in Renaissance Science
Gisela Coronado Schwindt
Olfaction and Other Senses in Chinese Culture: A Comparative Analysis, with Special Attention to the Use of the Term Xiang
Paolo Santangelo
Crossing the Senses in Metaphorical Language
Cristina Cacciari
Sensing Anthropology: a critical review of the sensorial turn in anthropology
Arjang Omrani
Development of Sensorial Experiments and Their Implementation into Undergraduate Laboratories
Deborah Christina Bromfield Lee
Un/comfortable Bodies: Collaborative Performance, Embodiment, and Materiality in the Sensorial Field of Clay
Fiona Vanessa Fell
What did the past SMELL like?
Episode 6: Tony Robinson’s Cunningcast feat. William Tullett and Tasha Marks
Experiencing the Past through the Senses: an M-Learning Game at Archaeological Parks
Qibin Sun et al.
City Walks and Tactile Experience
Mădălina Diaconu
Náttúra by Kitchen Theory: An immersive multisensory dining concept
By Jozef Youssef and Charles Spence
Sensory Criminology: Exploring Sensory Experience of the Criminological
Kate Herrity, Bethany Schmidt, and Jason Warr
Green Pleasures: Sustainable Cities and the Senses
Constance Classen
The Senses
Constance Classen
SONIC RELATIONS: Anthropology of/in Sound
Steven Feld and Alexandrine Boudreault-Fournier
Human Olfaction and the Intersection of Language, Culture, and Biology
Asifa Majid
Sensehacking the guest’s multisensory hotel experience
By Charles Spence
The Tempietto in Rome Should be a Full Body Experience
David Karmon
Scents and Sensibility: what’s behind the rise of extreme smells
Imogen West-Knight, The Guardian
Science and the Senses: Integration
Christy Spackman and Marianne de Laet
Not Exactly Music
Kent S. Godfrey
Attuning the Senses
Petra Rethman
“This Sweet Potato is Beautiful.” From Ethnoagronomy to Ethnogastronomy in the work of Virginia Nazarea
David Sutton
Next-Generation Sensory Studies Scholarship: Breaking Research
David Howes
Commercializing Sonic Seasoning in Multisensory Offline Experiential Events and Online Tasting Experiences
Charles Spence, Qian Janice Wang, Felipe Reinoso-Carvalho, and Steve Keller
Multimodality & Society,
SAGE Journals, Vol. 1, Issue 1
Rethinking Congenital Synaesthesia
David Howes and Anton Dorso, TT Journal 1(3)
The Multi-Sensory Reality: integrating the existential experience
Juhani Pallasmaa, TT Journal 1(3)
Film and New Food Rituals in the Time of COVID-19
David Howes, Tereza Stehlikova and David Sutton
Tangible Territory Vol. 2, Issue 3 (13 May 2021)
The Expanding Field of Sensory Studies
David Howes
Whole-Body Sensing: Encountering the Forest with Henry David Thoreau
David Howes / Les Rencontres interdisciplinaires d’Hexagram
SONIC RELATIONS: Anthropology of/in Sound
Steven Feld and Alexandrine Boudreault-Fournier
Transgressing the Body Politic: Perceiving Race, Gender, and God in Latin American Sensory Studies
Andrew Kettler
Senses of Place: Architectural Design for the Multisensory Mind
Charles Spence
Sensory Entanglements: Decolonizing the Senses
Research-Creation Project
Cinesthetic Feasts
Tereza Stehlikova
Sentient Difference
ISEA 2020 – Why Sentience?
Crafting Medicine: A Sensory Exploration of Three Medicine Schools
Making Clinical Sense
Training the Senses
Marres, House for Contemporary Culture
Sensory Maps
Kate McLean
Blindness Arts
Special Issue of Disability Studies Quarterly, Vol. 38, No. 3
Recipes and the Senses
Elaine Leong and Hannah Newton
Aromatica Poetica
Exploring the Arts & Sciences of Smell & Taste
What Does History Smell Like?
Sophie Haigney
Lundahl & Seitl
Immersive antidisciplinary practice within contemporary art and performance
The Art of Life and Death: Radical Aesthetics and Ethnographic Practice
Andrew Irving
Bodily Ways of Knowing: Anthropological and Historical Approaches to Affect and the Senses
Kathryn Linn Geurts
Feeling Good in Public Spaces – Dialogues Series
Adaptation and Resilience in the Context of Change (ARCC) & the Feeling Good Foundation
Nose-First: Practices of Smellwalking and Smellscape Mapping
Kate McLean, Unpublished Doctoral Thesis, Royal College of Art, 2019
Wordsworth on the Senses
Noel Jackson
The Language of the Eye
Joseph Turnley
Taste as a Social Sense: Rethinking Taste as a Cultural Activity
Susanne Højlund
What it Takes to Understand Our Embodied Being: in Defense of Tim Ingold
Jelle van Dijk
An Anthropologist Underwater: Immersive Soundscapes, Submarine Cyborgs, and Transductive Ethnography
Stefan Helmreich
Trapholt Museum for Moderne Kunst
The Senses in the Writings of Hildegard of Bingen. A Contribution to the History of the Senses
By María José Ortúzar Escudero
L’anthropologie sensorielle en France: Un champ en devenir?
Marie-Luce Gélard
The medieval senses were transmitters as much as receivers
Chris Woolgar
A Feast for the Senses at Kitchen Theory
Jozef Youssef
Law and the Senses Series: Taste
The Westminster Law & Theory Lab, UK
Law and the Senses Series: Smell
The Westminster Law & Theory Lab, UK
Prière de Toucher — The Touch of Art
Museum Tinguely, Basel
The Fugue of the Five Senses: Semiotics of the Shifting Sensorium
Hellenic Semiotic Society and the School of Journalism & Mass Communications of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
(Re)Educating the Senses: Multimodal Listening, Bodily Learning, and the Composition of Sonic Experiences
Steph Ceraso
Revealing Meanings Through Multi-Sensory Experience: A Paradigm Shift in Exhibition Display Culture
Margaret Choi Kwan Lam
How Does this Exhibition Make You Feel? Measuring Sensory and Emotional Experience of In-Gallery Digital Technology with GSR Devices
Jingyu Peng, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK
Ethnographies of Touch
Rosemary Blake
The Therapeutic Art of Lygia Clark
Christina Grammatikopoulou
Early cinema’s touch(able) screens: From Uncle Josh to Ali Barbouyou
Wanda Strauven
The Senses and Aesthetics of Archeological Science
Special issue of Then Dig
edited by Andrew Roddick and Colleen Morgan
Visual Music: Jazz, Synaesthesia and the History of the Senses in the Weimar Republic
Michael J. Schmidt
“A Visual Sense is Born in the Fingertips”: Towards a Digital Ekphrasis
Cecilia Lindhé
Geographical Imaginations
Derek Gregory
Making Presence Felt
Fiona Candy
Touch Me, Touch Me Not, Open Arts Journal, Issue 4
Edited by Erin E. Benay and Lisa M. Rafanelli
The Senses of Slavery
Joan Neuberger in conversation with Daina Ramey Berry
Sound Transit
Derek Holzer and Marc Boon
Sound Signatures 2014: From Hearing Tubes to Computer Hacking
Anna Kvíčalová
Sound, Violence, and the Period Ear in Thirteenth-Century France
Jenna Rebecca Phillips, Doctoral Thesis, Princeton University, 2016
The Victorian Tactile Imagination
Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century
Energy & Digital Living
Low Effort Energy Demand Reduction project
Aromatherapy Oils: Commodities, Materials, Essences
Ruth Barcan
A Senseless War?
Matt Leonard
Holding the Moment of Holding
Bruce Davenport
Losing Our Touch
Richard Kearney
Defining the Sensor Society
Mark Andrejevic and Mark Burdon
Changing Tastes: How Things Tasted in the Early Modern Period and How They Taste Now
Steven Shapin
Making Sense of Sensory Integration
Sharon Cermak, Jane Koomar, Stacey Szklut
The Sociocultural Significance of Semaq Beri Food Classification
Lim Chan Ing
Technology and the Voice of God, Material History of American Religion Project
Interview with Leigh Schmidt
American Religious Sounds Project
Amy DeRogatis (Michigan State University) and Isaac Weiner (Ohio State University)
The Proust Effect: Oral History and the Senses
Paula Hamilton
Producing Sense, Consuming Sense, Making Sense: Perils and Prospects for Sensory History
Mark M. Smith
The Social Life of the Senses
David Howes
Ivan Illich on Water and the History of the Senses
Ivan Illich
“This is the anthropologist, and she is sighted”: Ethnographic Research with Blind Women
Gili Hammer
Technology at the Dining Table
Charles Spence and Betina Piqueras-Fiszman
And Say the Cat Responded? Getting Closer to the Feline Gaze
Kara White
The Sensorium of the Extraordinary
Chris Salter
Din, Dazzle and Blur: Noise, Information and the Senses in Early Twentieth-Century Society and Modernist Culture
Mathew Wraith
Senses and Local Environment: The Case of Larabanga in the Northern Region of Ghana
Jones Mawuli Kofi Apawu
Sensing Nepal in a Peer Student Created Multi-sensory Environment
Erose Sthapit and Sajina Kansakar
Feeling Middle Class: Sensory Perception in Victorian Literature and Culture
Megan Ward
Waking Our Animal Senses: Language and the Ecology of Sensory Experience
David Abram
Hyperaesthetic Culture 2012. Transformations
The [60] Senses of Penland
Lewis Hyde
The Senses in Space
Chris Hadfield
Welcome to the Revolution: The Sensory Turn and Art History
Jenni Lauwrens
The sensory experiencing of urban design: the role of walking and perceptual memory
Monica Montserrat Degen and Gillian Rose
The Archaeology of Synaesthesia
Jasmine Woods
A Sense of Touch—the Full-Body Experience—in the Past and Present of Çatalhöyük, Turkey
Ruth Tringham
Making Sense of Things: Archaeologies of Sensory Perception
Editors: Fredrik Fahlander & Anna Kjellström
Digits on the Historical Pulse
Doug Kahn
Aesthetics and the Senses: Introduction
Cynthia Freeland
The Skin of Religion
S Brent Plate
Experiencing Built Worlds
Roberto Gigliotti
Thinking Multisensory Culture
Laura U. Marks
An Ear Alone is Not a Being: Embodied Mediations in Audio Culture
Rachel O’Dwyer
The Battle of Atmospheres
Mikkel Bille
Ecology and the Aesthetics of Heat
Boon Lay Ong
Sensing the Unseen 2.0
Emily Zeamer, Stefan Helmreich and Heather Paxson
The Senses and Memory in Intercultural Cinema
Melanie Swalwell
Foundations for an Anthropology of the Senses
Constance Classen
Rethinking the Flâneur: Flânerie and the Senses
Aimée Boutin et al
Coming to Our Senses: A Multi-sensory Ethnography
of Class and Multiculture in East London
Alex Rhys-Taylor
“Throwing Sound at Canvas”: Synesthesia in the Art of James Dupree
Kathryn Linn Geurts
Tactile Landscape: Visitors at the Great Barrier Reef
Celmara Pocock
Inuit orienting: Traveling along familiar horizons
Claudio Aporta
African Art and the Senses
Henry J. Drewal
Introduction to the Victorian Sensorium
Wendy Parkins
Vision and the ‘Training of Perception’: McLuhan’s Medienpädagogik
Norm Friesen
Relocating the Ear: A Cross-Cultural Exploration of the Electrified Soundscape
Vincent Andrisani
Sensuous Anthropology: Sense and Sensibility and the Rehabilitation of Skill
Yolanda van Ede
The Senses of Technology
Kim Sawchuk and Fabio Josggrilberg
Technology and the Senses: Multi-Sensory Design in the Digital Age
Rebecca Breffeilh
Sensors and Machine Learning are Giving Robots a Sixth Sense
Thomas Hornigold
Towards a Sensual Curriculum
Walter Gershon
Movement, Memory and the Senses in Soundscape Studies
Jennifer Schine
Doing Sensory Anthropology
David Howes and Constance Classen
Towards a Praxiology of Sound Environment
Jean-Paul Thibaud
Somatic Work: Toward A Sociology of the Senses
Phillip Vannini, Dennis Waskul, and Simon Gottschalk
Natasha Myers
Taxonomising the Senses
Fiona Macpherson
The Future of Sensory Anthropology/the Anthropology of the Senses
Sarah Pink and David Howes
Meditations on Scent
Jennifer Rhind and Stell Hargraves
Learning to See in Melanesia
Marilyn Strathern
How to Make Sense: Sensory Modification in Grinder Subculture
Mark Doerksen
Burning Man: Transforming Community through Countercultural Ritual Process
Jess McCaffrey
Healing through sound: An exploration of a vocal sound healing method in Great Britain
Shelley Snow
Stealing the Turtle’s Voice
Michaela Cameron
Touching and Making: Encounters with Matter
Charles Gagnon
Coast Salish Senses of Place: Dwelling, Meaning, Power, Property and Territory in the Coast Salish World
Brian David Thom
Beyond Disciplines: Come to Your Senses
Concordia University
The Rehabilitation of Olfaction: Cultural and Cognitive Dimensions of Perfumery
David Howes
What is Sensory Ethnography?
Sarah Pink, National Centre for Research Methods (NCRMUK)
Sense and Social Anthropology
Constance Classen, David Howes, Katherine Guerts, Steven Feld, Jonathan Marotta, Chris Salter, and Amy Trubek
Creative Tastebuds Sessions
Creative Tastebuds Symposium, 4-5 September 2017, Aarhus Theatre, Aarhus, Denmark
Self-Isolation Dinner
Tereza Stehlikova
Searching for the Perfect Meal
Charles Spence
Charles Spence
How to Do Sociology with… A Mango
Alex Rhys Taylor
Goldsmiths, University of London
Sensory Multiculturalism in an East End Market; Cultural Passions
Laurie Taylor, Elizabeth Wilson, Alex Rhys-Taylor
AHRC Sensory Cities Network
Royal College of Art
Senses of Place Workshop
Sensory Studies in Antiquity, University of Roehampton, February 2018
The Sensory Interior
David Howes
In-Touch: Digital Touch Communication Podcast
IN-TOUCH, UCL Knowledge Lab, University College London, London, UK
Scent Culture Tube
Scent Culture Institute
La mémoire des odeurs et descripteurs olfactifs : l’odeur médiane du couvre-lit de tante Léonie
Joël Candau
Cultures sensorielles: Existe-t-il des conditions d’adversité ou de félicité culturelle (l’effet Theut)
Joël Candau
Archaeology of the Senses
Classics Confidential
Using Sensory History to Understand the Past
Mark M. Smitth, Oxford Academic (Oxford University Press)
How the Civil War Transformed Taste
Mark M. Smitth, Oxford Academic (Oxford University Press)
The Historical Significance of Smell
Caro Verbeek, TEDxGroningen
Inhaling History of Art: On the Role of Olfaction during the Avant-Garde
Caro Verbeek, Art Laboratory Berlin
The Museum of Smells
Caro Verbeek, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
Sensorial in the Theatre: On the Scent Trail in and beyond the Everyday
Maribor Theatre Festival, Maribor, Slovenia
Part I: Enrique Vargas (20:43), David Howes (1:14:50)
Part II: Caro Verbeek (20:30), Barbara Orel (56:11), Peter de Cupere (1:43:28), Barbara Pia Jenič (2:29:23), Helmi Jarvikoma-Mäkelä (4:26:19), Discussion (5:09:36)
Smelly Remedy: Womb Fumigation Illustrated in Seventeenth-Century Print
Lizzie Marx, Cambridge University Library
Federico Kukso
The Sonic Epistemic
Robin James
Fifth Sense
Do Our Senses Give Us Knowledge of Reality?
Rupert Read, The Institute of Art and Ideas
Philosophy of the Senses
Katharine Young, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, University of California Berkeley (OLLI Berkeley)